NEW! Personal shopping services

Starting at 275.00
consult (in person at the studio, approximately 30-45 minutes)
product list
technique demonstrations
afternoon of shopping assistance (approximately 2 hours)

You can always add a full private lesson and/or additional shopping time at 125.00 per hour

If you’re like me, you can get overwhelmed at the amount of choices in a store. The cosmetics world is saturated with an insane amount of products, and it can be difficult to make the best consumer choices for your needs.

Personal shopping services give you the opportunity to have a brief consult at the studio, where we look at what you are using and the tools you own. We then sit down and make a list of suggested items I think might be beneficial, and off to the store we go…TOGETHER!

I’m that friend who won’t let you make bad purchasing choices, but will help you get exactly what you need and what works for your style and routine. Spend the afternoon with me developing your tool/cosmetic kit, learning about techniques, and purchasing exactly what will benefit you.

It sounds crazy to spend money on someone who will help you spend money, but in the long run you cut through the hype, get exactly the products you will love, and learn how to use them better. I’m not a sales person who benefits from selling you ANYTHING. I’m a trusted advisor who helps you navigate the overwhelming world of cosmetics.

This is a fun way to cut back on purchasing stress, and learn at the same time!

I am not teaching group or individual lessons at this time. Please contact Patti Peters at Prestige Aesthetics if you are interested in lessons. 423-202-2425