I've long been fascinated with vessels; Jars, boxes, houses....things that can be filled with other things. As it turns out, the human body is another vessel. A vessel made of iron and copper, carbon and star stuff.
Makeup is pigments and color, iron and oxides, carbon and star stuff.
I want to show people glimpses of their beauty. Real beauty. The kind of beauty that transcends media, culture, voices of "should" and "not enough"
The kind of beauty that sees pores, scars, lines....recognizing the significance of each of those marks. The importance of story told on skin.
Beauty that can curse at the universe, and still recognize its own value. The kind of beauty that sees brokenness and does not run away from it. The kind of beauty that says "I am enough. I always have been. I always will be."
Beauty that can be as fragile as diminishing swirls of paint being rinsed from a brush, our spiraling twists of DNA connecting past and present in an architectural cascade of human body.
Both broken and whole we are, aggrandized pottery the Japanese call "Kintsugi". We laugh when the world says, "not pretty" because pretty is the lesser gift. This depth of beauty is bound into our very cells, telling their stories quietly beneath the surface.
This canvas that aches to see and be seen. With a desire to share with the world, the colors underneath biological construct. Showing internal mechanisms and desires on surface of skin.
We use make-up as an accessory. No more or no less than painting one self with a scarf, glittering earrings, or streaks of dirt from a freshly plowed garden.
I want you to see for a moment, who you really are. Free of the voices that are screaming "not enough". I want you to see for a moment, just how expansive and beautiful this body can be.
Art transcends language barriers, social constructs, and time. Art has always been the language that pulls humanity forward, which eclipses time and place.
You are the canvas, I have the tools. Let's meet in that space where beauty is our story, where color transforms, and the inner self is revealed.
"As for me, I am a watercolor. I wash off." ~Anais Nin